Fathers Rights Survival Guide Description

My name is Mike L. Weening. I am a long time Fathers Rights self help advocate and political activist. I live, breathe and sleep Fathers Rights! 29 years ago I wrote a self help book called the Fathers Rights Survival Guide. It was the first book on the subject of Fathers Rights to be admitted into the Library of Congress. The information in the guide has been reviewed and recommended by Family Court Judges, Attorneys, District Attorneys, Child Support Enforcement officers, Mediators, Friends of the Court, Guardian ad litem's, Family Psychiatrist and therapist, Child Protective Services and thousands of American Fathers! This is the original book that has helped thousands of Fathers nationwide. It has 10 sections that include every family law subject. The Fathers Rights Survival Guide normally sells for $60.00 but has recently been reduced to $29.00 for a limited time. It includes with Free updates for life! It also comes with our *Money Back Guarantee. If you have an issue or question that is not addressed in the guide just e-mail me and I will personally address the subject. If I cannot address the issue I will gladly refund your entire purchase expense. Honestly, if you haven't read the Fathers Rights Survival Guide you're missing out on the most important Father's Rights information available. The information is updated weekly and good in all 50 States.

Most of you have come to this website because you are experiencing a family law problem of some nature or another. Perhaps you are looking for self help information on how to modify your child support, change custody or increase your visitation time share. Perhaps you would like to stop the mother of your children from moving away to another state or maybe you would like to file for contempt of court. Maybe you're trying to defend yourself from a false allegation of domestic violence or a contempt of court for failure to pay child support. Well I have some great news for you! We have the answers you need. We are offering the entire Fathers Rights Survival Guide for just $60.00. This includes all 10 sections with Free updates for Life! Everyone can now afford the most powerful and advanced Fathers Rights information available anywhere. This is the original Fathers Rights Survival Guide that contains everything you need to know about your Fathers rights. It is often referred to as the "Bible" of Fathers Rights! Therefore before you do anything to resolve your legal issues read the Fathers Rights Survival Guide. It will save your legal life!!!!

When I was searching for Fathers rights information 27 years ago I quickly realized that there was very little relevant and self help information available. Wherefore I spent the next five years researching and writing the Fathers Rights Survival Guide. Today, the Fathers Rights Survival Guide is the most widely read and respected self help information available anywhere on the subject of Fathers Rights. This guide has literally changed the lives of thousands of fathers all over the United States, Canada and other English speaking countries. This is the Original Fathers Rights Survival Guide and is updated weekly to include the new laws, recent changes to laws and revised court procedures.

What you need now more than anything is correct and legally useful self help information. Information that will help you understand the problems you are facing and how to correct them. You need the truth! The truth about your Ex, your children, your attorney, the court, the Judge, the mediator, support enforcement, and the entire family law legal system. The Fathers Rights Survival Guide is the truth. It will simply and specifically answer all of your questions and help you form a strategy for resolving those problems. So, don't worry about who will be your attorney or who will help you with court paperwork. Those are easily acquired services once you have the right information. More important now is your understanding of the Family court system. And the best part is: If you purchase the guide and your problem is not specifically addressed (which is very unlikely), then e-mail me and I will personally answer your question. I am more than willing to help you.

Family law cases stay open until there are no issues of children, money, property or other related issues. In other words, your search for information is not just about your current legal problem. It's not just about "NOW". It's about the future! This likely will not be the last time you experience a family law problem with your ex. The Father's Rights Survival Guide will help you be prepared! Remember, Family law works much differently than other forms of law. You must take the time to learn how the court works. If not, no attorney or other legal professional can ever help you. So, take the time to learn. You can be sure your EX has!

The Fathers Rights Survival Guide is a simple and easy to understand self help e-book, written especially for men. This complete guide contains radical and shocking information on all Family Law issues that is not available anywhere on the net or in bookstores! Subjects covered are: The Truth about Family Law and Attorney's, Divorce, Custody, Visitation, Child and Spousal Support, Restraining orders, Contempt of court, Move-Away Issues and Child Support Enforcement problems and How to Win Using On-line Legal Services. Everything you need to know about family law issues is contained in this guide. This guide is considered the "Fathers Rights" Bible and will change the way you think about your case and Family court forever! Also, the guide is not available in bookstores! It is exclusively available through this website (and affiliate websites) and can be instantly downloaded in a matter of seconds! The information in the guide is good in all 50 States! Some of the subjects covered are:

The Fathers Rights Survival Guide is simply the best self help information any Father could ever receive. It is very very specific and easy to read. For a limited time only, I am very excited to be able to offer the Fathers Rights Survival Guide to you for $29.00. Included are free updates for life! Family laws change almost weekly therefore we want to make sure you always have the most recent information. Remember, the Fathers Rights Survival Guide is not just a book. It is a self help legal guide that that is continually updated and made available to you for life! If after reading the guide you still have questions or your type of problem is not addressed (unlikely) just e-mail me and I will be glad to answer your question (s).

Here is some even better news: The Fathers Rights Survival Guide is now fully upgradeable to any of our Advocate Plans. Once you have read the guide and discovered how powerful the information you will want to upgrade. It is my hope that after reading the guide you will take the next step and upgrade and let me become your personal advocate...for life! Father's rights legal help doesn't get any better than this! If you are serious about taking control of your case and winning then let me become your personal Advocate and let's get started! To learn more about the Advocate Plans click here.

Finally, many of you have read my personal journey through family court in Free Report #1. (On our website at www.fathersrightsinc.com) I had failed big time. My legal case could not have been any worse. As I look back what I really needed was accurate information. I wished I had the benefit of the information I am offering you today. In addition to the information I really needed a "person." A person with legal knowledge that I could talk with and ask questions, strategize and develop a game plan. I needed a person that really understood the Fathers rights legal world and wasn't just interested in my money. It wasn't until I found such a person that my case really turned around and I was able to recover and be successful. He taught me so much in a very short period of time. I was like a sponge and that wanted to know everything about Fathers rights and how to improve my case. The message here is clear. Stop losing and start winning today! You will be amazed at what you can now do armed with this great self help information. To get started just click on the blue order link and get the most powerful Fathers Rights information available anywhere. You will be so glad you did. And when you have read the guide be sure and contact me and let me help you take your case to the next level!

The Father's Rights Survival Guide is an "instant download!" once purchased.

To purchase the Father's Rights Survival Guide please click on this link for ordering information.



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